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Exclusive Nobu Hotel Offers

  • Suite Experiences

    Create unforgettable moments with family and friends. Our suite collection provides exceptional accommodations and breathtaking views at every destination.

  • Stay Longer at Nobu

    Prolong your stay with us and uncover all that Nobu has to offer. Whether it's basking in beach days, immersing in city excitement, or simply relaxing and unwinding, there's something for everyone.

  • Drive to Us

    They say it's not just about the destination but also about the journey. If you share this sentiment, then this offer is perfect for you. Let our hotels offer you convenient parking and additional benefits. Enjoy the scenery, arrive, and depart at your leisure.

  • Love Nobu

    Indulge in intimate moments with your loved one, exclusively at Nobu. Your romantic getaway features a complimentary bottle of Champagne upon arrival, breakfast for two guests, and absolute privacy.

  • Be Well With Nobu

    Wellness takes many forms, and at Nobu, we are all about finding balance. Our hotels provide rejuvenating spa therapies, state-of-the-art fitness facilities by Technogym, meditative sound baths, invigorating exercise programs, healthy dining options, and the tranquility of a relaxing soak in a teak tub. There's no better time to prioritize your well-being with Nobu.

  • Nobu Family

    We cherish the valuable moments of family time. Craft unforgettable memories with exclusive, tailor-made family experiences at our hotels across the globe.

  • Explore With Nobu

    Immerse yourself in the culture, people, and, of course, the cuisine as you explore our destinations. Each hotel offers a personalized journey of must-see sites, traditions, and unforgettable experiences.

  • Free Cancellation

    Rest assured; we’ve got you covered. We understand that plans may change, so our priority is to offer you a risk-free booking experience.

  • Taste Of Nobu

    For over 30 years, Chef Nobu has delighted countless palettes with his New-Style Japanese cuisine. The dining experience is at the of heart of Nobu Hotels, so naturally, we've created an experience that pays homage to our Japanese roots.